Management of micro propagated plants in laboratory and net houses

Management of micro propagated plants in laboratory and net houses:-
 Development of plants in growth room:-
> After the inoculation of the plant tissue, the bottles are sealed and transferred into growth room to trigger developmental process under diffused light (fluorescent light of 1000-2000 lux) at 25 ± 2oC and 50 to 60% relative humidity. Light and temperature requirements vary from species to species and sometimes during the various stages of developments.
> The cultures are observed daily for growth and any signs of infection / contamination. Cultures, that do not show good growth or infected, are discarded. The healthy cultures grow into small shoot buds. These are subcultured on the fresh medium after 4 weeks. 
> The number of subcultures required is specific to the plant species, which are standardized. The shoots generally develop after 4 weeks. After enough number of shoots is developed in each container (10 to 15), to a minimum height of 2 cm they are transferred to another medium for initiating the process of rooting. The constituent of rooting medium for each plant species are specific. Roots are generally formed within 2 to 4 weeks. Plants at this stage are delicate and require careful handling. 
Hardening of micro plants:- 
> Due to very high humidity inside the culture vessel and artificial conditions of development, the plantlets are tender and are therefore are not ready for coping up with the filed conditions. The plants removed from the sterile medium are washed and are maintained under intermittent mist or are covered with clean transparent plastic. 
> After 10 to 15 days under high humidity, the plants are transferred to green house and maintained for another 4 to 6 weeks. They are then ready to be transferred to net house or the field. Normally, the tissue culture plants are sold either as ex-agar plants or hardened plants from the green house. 
1. Ex-agar plants:- 
- Depending on the parameters such as location/the site of planting, soil quality and the climatic conditions defined by the customer, the ex-agar plant for sale could be in vitro rooted plants or only the shoots. When the tissue culture plants are sold at this stage, the plants are washed in sterilized water to remove the agar medium.
- The washed plants are sorted into 2 to 3 grades and packed in corrugated plastic boxes lined with sterilized tissue paper as per specifications of the Plant Quarantine Authority, Government of India for exports. The number of plants per box depends on the customer’s requirement. Depending on the final destination and the preference of the customer, the plants are treated with specific fungicides and antibiotics to avoid infection.
- The ex-agar plants are preferred for export or for destinations where hardening facility are available. The plants after being removed from nutrient media should preferably be transplanted within 72 hours.
2. Hardened plants:-
- The plants are transferred to net pots/ pro tray for acclimatization after they fully develop shoots and roots in the bottles. The rooted plantlets are transferred to pots filled with suitable substrate and are watered. This operation is carried out on an open bench. 
- These pots are then transferred to the green house for 4 to 6 weeks. During this process, they are given fertilizers and treated like plantlets obtained by any other means of propagation. 
- After the plants are acclimatized fully, they are transferred to poly-bags. At this stage the plants are completely hardened and are ready to be planted in the field for cultivation. 
- Hardening units can be set up in sites away from the micro-propagation unit.
