Biotechnology and society, socio-economic aspects

Biotechnology and society:- Biotechnology uses recombinant DNA technology to produce goods or services. 

1. Medicines:-

> By 2001 over 80 recombinant DNA based products had been approved for treating disease and for vaccination.

A further 350 recombinant DNA-based drugs were being tested for safety and efficacy. 

> Human insulin was one of the first therapeutic proteins that was genetically cloned.

 2. Genetic mapping (linkage mapping):-  It is a process or method of discovering the location of genes on a chromosome.” 

> It helps to identify: 

- that a disease transmitted from parent to child is linked to one or more genes. 

- which chromosome contains the gene and precisely where the gene lies on that chromosome. 

- the gene responsible for relatively rare, single-gene inherited disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 

- the genes that are believed to play a role in the development of common disorders such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and psychiatric conditions.

> Genetic maps are species-specific and comprised of genomic markers and/or genes and the genetic distance between each marker.

3. Gene therapy:- 

> Diseases caused by deficiency of a gene product are amenable to replacement therapy. 

> The strategy is to clone a gene into a vector that will readily be taken up and incorporated into genome of a host cell. 

> Adenosine deaminase deficiency has been treated successfully with gene replacement therapy. 

> For many sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemias, and various other metabolic disorders Gene therapy is under trial.

4. Transgenesis:-

> The somatic gene replacement therapy can not pass on to the offspring. 

> Transgenesis refers to the transfer of genes into fertilised ovum which can be found in somatic as well as germ cells and passed on to the successive generations. 

5. Gene Disruption (knockout genes):-

> A gene's function can also be probed by inactivating the gene and looking for resulting abnormalities. 

> Powerful methods have been developed for accomplishing gene disruption (also called gene knockout) in organisms such as yeast and mice. 

> Specific genes can be targeted if their nucleotide sequences are known.

6. Manufacture of proteins / hormones:- 

> By inserting the gene for a rare protein into a plasmid and expressing it in bacteria, large amounts of the recombinant protein can be produced. Many proteins have been produced e.g., human growth hormone, insulin, interferons and blood clotting factors. 

> Another approach to producing proteins via recombinant DNA technology is to introduce the desired gene into the genome of an animal, engineered in such a way that the protein is secreted in the animal’s milk, facilitating harvesting.

> Tissue plasminogen activator, which is administered to a patient after a heart attack, is made in large quantities in mammalian cells. A new pharmacology, using proteins produced by recombinant DNA technology as drugs, is beginning to significantly alter the practice of medicine.

7. Site specific mutagenesis:- 

> New genes with designed properties can be constructed by making three kinds of directed changes: 

i. deletions

ii. insertions

iii. substitutions

Substitutions:- Oligonucleotide- Directed Mutagenesis. A primer containing a mismatched nucleotide is used to produce a desired change in the DNA sequence.


- In cassette mutagenesis, plasmid DNA is cut with a pair of restriction enzymes to remove a short segment 

- A synthetic double-stranded oligonucleotide (the cassette) with cohesive ends that are complementary to the ends of the cut plasmid is then added and ligated. 

- Each plasmid now contains the desired mutation. 

- It is convenient to introduce into the plasmid unique restriction sites spaced about 40 nucleotides apart so that mutations can be readily made anywhere in the sequence.

8. Designer Genes:-

> Novel proteins can also be created by splicing together gene segments that encode domains that are not associated in nature. 

> For example, a gene for an antibody can be joined to a gene for a toxin to produce a chimeric protein that kills cells that are recognized by the antibody. 

> These immunotoxins are being evaluated as anticancer agents.

> Entirely new genes can be synthesized de novo by the solid-phase method. Furthermore, noninfectious coat proteins of viruses can be produced in large amounts by recombinant DNA methods. 

> They can serve as synthetic vaccines that are safer than conventional vaccines prepared by inactivating pathogenic viruses.

> A subunit of the hepatitis B virus produced in yeast is proving to be an effective vaccine against this debilitating viral disease.

9. Diagnosis of Infectious disease:-

Diagnosis of HIV infection:- The widely used methods for diagnosing HIV infection have been developed using recombinant DNA. 

> The antibody test (ELISA or western blot) uses a recombinant HIV protein to test for the presence of antibodies. 

> The DNA test detects the presence of HIV genetic material using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR). 

> Development of the RT-PCR test was made possible by the molecular cloning and sequence analysis of HIV genomes.

10. Diagnosis of molecular diseases:-

> Many genetic diseases that yield developmental abnormalities can be detected by characteristic patterns in DNA primary structure. 

> Such mutational changes in DNA sequences are identified by restriction fragments analysis and Southern blotting, using appropriate DNA probes. 

> Analysis of this type could be done in understanding the molecular basis of diseases like sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemias, familial hypercholesterolaemia, cystic fibrosis, etc.

11. Prenatal diagnosis:-

> In diseases where the genetic defect is known and a specific probe is available, prenatal diagnosis can be made. 

> DNA from cells collected from as little as 10 ml of amniotic fluid or by chorionic villi biopsy can be analysed by Southern blot transfer.

12. Forensic medicine:-

> Advances in genetic engineering have greatly helped to specifically identify criminals and settle the disputes of parenthood of children. 

> Based on the basis of Restriction fragment length polymorphism, the identity of a person can be confirmed.

13. Agriculture:-

> Genetically engineered plants have been developed to resist drought and diseases. 

> Good quality of food and increased yield of crops can be possible by applying this technology. 

> Incorporation of nif genes to cereals has given higher yield of the crops.

14. Industries:- 

> Enzymes synthesised by this technology are used to produce sugars, cheese and detergents. 

> Certain protein products produced by this technology are used as food additives to increase the nutritive value, besides imparting flavour. 

> Ethylene glycol is in great demand for industry. 

> Preparation of ethylene glycol from ethylene is made possible by this technology.

Socio-economic aspects:-

Potential of life biotechnology:- Wide range of purposes for private and public benefits -

1. Health care

2. Agro-food

3. Non-food uses of crops

4. Environment

1. Health care:-

> To find cures for half of the world’s diseases.

> To replace existing cures becoming less effective. Eg.- Antibiotics

> To enable cheaper, safer and more ethical production of traditional and new drugs and medical services. Eg.- Growth hormone, Haemophiliacs free from AIDS

> To provide personalised and preventive medicine based on genetic predisposition, targeted screening, diagnosis and innovative drug treatments (pharmacogenomics).

> To offer replacement tissues and organs (stem cell research, xenotransplantation)

2. Agro-food:-

> Disease prevention.

> Reduced health risks. 

> Functional food.

> Reduced use of pesticides, fertilisers and drugs.

> Use of more sustainable agricultural practices. Eg.- Conservation tillage

> Fight hunger and malnutrition.

3. Non-food uses of crops:-

> Complex molecules for the manufacturing, energy and pharmaceutical industries.

> Biodegradable plastics, biomass energy, new polymers, etc.

4. Environment:-

> Bioremediation of pollluted air, soil, water and waste

> Cleaner industrial products and processes. Eg.- Enzymes or biocatalysis

 Main societal issues:-

1. Impact

2. Regulation

3. Property Rights

1. Impact:-

 > Economic, social and ethical benefits:-

i. Reduced use of chemicals. 

ii. Plants with desirable characteristics.

iii. More food.

Costs of biotech products:-

i. Environmental and food safety hazards.

ii. Distributional impacts. 

iii. Ethical considerations:- Intrusion of humans into natural processes, repress technologies with potential of humanitarian benefits.

2. Regulation:- Regulatory responsability.

> Have governments adequately assessed the possible health and environmental effects?

> Has adoption been rushed as a result of commercial pressures?

> Should one wait until long-term studies of the effects can be concluded?

> Or is it enough to deduce from scientific studies?

> What are the implications for international trade?

3. Property Rights:- Legal and effective ownership of genetic material.

> Who owns the genetic material?

> Science enforces intellectual property rights. Eg.- Terminator technology

> Control shifts to the private sector and raises concerns.
